I can't belive Jessa is already six months old its so crazy how fast she is growing. Its so amazing to see her grow. We have started feeding her baby food she quite enjoys it.
I just noticed today that she got both her bottom teeth at the same time just poking through her gums. She's starting to push up really far on her arms getting ready to crawl, especially when she is mad. Lately she has been really fussy but I'm guessing its because of those teeth she just sprouted. Jessa loves shopping. She never ever gets fussy while shopping and can go for hours, its quite nice. I hope it stays that way. Every night before Jessa falls asleep I read her stories from the books we bought her for Christmas, she loves listening to me read. I read to her until she falls asleep each night.I enjoy making her laugh. Its so fun to see how the small things really get to her and make her giggle so much. She is quite a joy to have everyday.
In her pretty dress from Great Grandma Joyce. |
Shopping and playing with one of her favorite things.
Her binkie. |
Shopping again. |